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IEMA Launches 12-Month Preparedness Effort

Press Release - Tuesday, January 05, 2010

SPRINGFIELD - As people throughout Illinois make resolutions for the New Year, the Illinois Emergency Management Agency (IEMA) is hoping many will resolve to become better prepared for emergencies during 2010.  To help with those resolutions, the agency today launched a year-long preparedness effort called the "12-Month Preparedness Campaign."

"People sometimes think emergency preparedness is too daunting, so they don't do anything," said IEMA Director Andrew Velasquez III.  "By focusing on one aspect of preparedness each month, we'll take people through preparedness step by step.  Hopefully, by the end of this year people will find it was easy to become better prepared for disasters."

Velasquez said IEMA will focus on a different preparedness topic each month in 2010, beginning with home preparedness in January.  Throughout the month, the agency will feature personal and family preparedness tips and guidance on the Ready Illinois website (, as well as photos, videos and additional preparedness information through the Ready Illinois Facebook page.  Directions on assembling a disaster supply kit and information about family emergency plans are two of the subjects that will be featured during January.

Other topics to be addressed during the year-long campaign include workplace preparedness, earthquake preparedness, children and preparedness, weather-related preparedness, cyber security, preparedness for people with pets and livestock and preparedness for people with functional needs.

The Ready Illinois website ( offers comprehensive information on steps people can take before emergencies happen, what to do once a disaster has occurred, and tips for recovery after the event.  In addition, during large-scale emergencies, IEMA regularly posts current information about the situation on the site.

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