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Illinois Council on Developmental Disabilities Releases New Call for Investment

Press Release - Thursday, February 19, 2015

The Illinois Council on Developmental Disabilities recently released a new Call for Investment (CFI), "Life Like Any Other".  This initiative is intended as a vehicle for innovation and change at a local, regional, or state level. The expectation is that projects submitted will improve programs, systems, and other community-based means to enrich and support lives of people with intellectual/developmental disabilities so they are able to access and be a part of all aspects of community life.

The Council believes that to achieve its vision Illinois will benefit from the opportunity to implement creative, new approaches and practices. The Council believes that individuals with intellectual/developmental disabilities are eager to live life more fully and will readily share their preferences and desires. Communities and organizations understand they are richer by expanding their inclusion to all community members including those with an intellectual/developmental disability. The Council is eager to support communities or organizations that want to make changes and have ideas of what changes need to be made.

The Council welcomes proposals that address one of the following two targets in our current State of Illinois Plan. The Council expects projects to begin June 1, 2015, and end May 30, 2016. Proposers will identify which target is being addressed and will describe clearly the change and outcomes their project anticipates achieving.

The performance targets (choose one) for this CFI are:

By May 30, 2016:
1. Across life stages, 100 people with intellectual/developmental disabilities have flexible services and supports that align with their personal needs and desires.
2. Three (3) communities develop local resources and adapt to provide full access to municipal, civic, social, spiritual, and typical daily life for people with intellectual/developmental disabilities.

Proposals for this CFI are due March 11, 2015.  To view the CFI, click here or visit the Council's website at


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